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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Can You Jump My Stump?

It’s cool and rainy here on Patti’s porch today and my creative juices are flowing as slow as sap in a snow-covered tree. It’s one of those days when I feel like sitting around and reading email, my crit partners’ submissions, or a good book while keeping an eye on the baseball playoffs. (GO ROCKIES!)

I had a couple of post subjects in mind, but putting the words on paper in any kind of logical order just isn’t working, so I’m going to fall back on a piece I wrote and meant to post months and months ago. It’s strictly for fun and I hope anyone who drops by will enjoy puzzling it out.

So, join me on the porch, bundle up under your favorite coat or jacket, enjoy a cup of coffee (or tea) and try to jump my stump!

This paragraph is unusual. It has a distinct quirk about it that is not obvious. It will not jump out at you right away, so study it for as long as you wish to find what is atypical about it. A lot of thought has brought about this short writing illustration so that you may grasp what it is I am hoping to do with words. As you approach this conundrum, stay in control of your thoughts and maintain a calm ability to think it through. Do not allow frustration to sway you from your task! You know it says nothing, but must admit it is still intriguing, owing to its unknown trait. I am boasting about this stab at trying to stump you and will, in fact, award a gift to a smart scholar who can crack this cryptic oddity.

DO NOT LEAVE ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF MY POST WHERE OTHER CONTESTANTS CAN SEE! Please submit answer to pattishene@pattishene.com and supply an email contact addy to win by Oct 30th! Good luck!

Thanks for reading my blog!


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