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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Conference memories

Last week, I attended my seventh Colorado Christian Writers Conference. Each year, I make contact with incredible people and learn so much. This event was even more informative for me because I had the opportunity to see another side of the writing business.

Several months ago, I became the editor to Starsongs Magazine, a publication for young people ages 10-19 and contributed by youth of that same age. This has been a new and rewarding experience for me. This conference, I was asked to sit in with our Written World Communications CEO and mentor with her as she took appointments. Kristine did a great job of teaching me and allowing me to pitch Starsongs to young people who offered work for that particular market.

It was fun to make contact with young writers (I chased down everyone at the conference who looked to be under 20 years old, pitched the magazine, and pressed a business card into their hand) who are dedicated to improving their craft. They are so eager, committed, and excited about writing!

This conference opened some doors for me. I showed some of my own work to several magazine editors who encouraged me and advised me on how to tailor my work to their publications.

I am quite excited to announce that I will be attending the Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference in August on faculty to represent Written World Communications. I am grateful to our Written World Communications CEO Kristine, the Colorado Christian Writers Conference and Greater Philly Christian Writers Conference Director, Marlene Bagnull, and of course, to my Heavenly Father for this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to the challenge.

Conference is not always classes and work. There are a lot of fun moments shared with old and new friends. The snow this year was beautiful. The roads never became treacherous for driving, although the icy sidewalks were a bit tricky to negotiate in the late evening .The beauty of the already majestic mountain scenery was enhanced by the snow-capped peaks.

YMCA of the Rockies, where the event is held, has added some new lodges, and this year those of us who stayed in the newly constructed Long's Peak had an elevator! It was a tad bit slow, but sure beat the drudgery of hauling luggage up a couple of flights of stairs! The central meeting room had a fireplace that provided a cozy place to meet in the morning for devotions and a friendly setting for socialization with friends in the evening.

All in all, this conference held so many special moments for me that I will remember it for a long time to come. Hopefully, now that I am retired from my other profession, it will be a jumping off place to a whole new career.

Thanks for reading my blog!


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