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Friday, January 11, 2008

Time is Already Flying By!

We are ten days into the New Year and already I am struggling with meeting my goals! How frustrating is that? Very! However, I need to take some of my own advice and reevaluate my plans.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at my Toastmasters meeting. I spoke on New Year’s resolutions and how they involve lifestyle change. There lies the key. It is so difficult to change, especially when you have been as disorganized as I all your life. Maybe I’m a bit ADD as well, because it seems I can’t ever stick to one project for any length of time. Well, I shouldn’t say that. I can do the things I like for hours at a time! Give me a good book and if I’m not interrupted, I could read it from cover to cover. Set me down at the computer and I can find things to do on it that keep me occupied for half a day.

Housekeeping chores are another thing entirely. I can only focus for a certain length of time on going through old mail or organizing my myriad collection of books. So, I’m going to set a goal of fifteen minutes once a day to do that sort of thing. Maybe that way, the wood on top of my computer desk and the spare desk in my bedroom will be visible by the end of 2008!

I received a critique of one of my WIPs from one of the members of my new critique group the other day. Even though these particular pages have been entered in the Genesis contest twice and scored in the nineties both years, she identifies a major flaw. This is good, because the same problem has been gnawing at the back of my mind for months. Still, I have decided to move forward with this manuscript and get if finished. Then I can go back and rework it. If I don’t, I will be forever working those first couple of chapters. Maybe if I finish the story, I will be able to better define my heroine in chapter one. Big change for me. I’m used to rewriting the same chapters over and over until I think they are right. All that rewriting, and still they are not.

Sometimes this whole writing thing is so exasperating! I work out great scenes in my mind, but when it comes to putting them on paper, they don’t sound near as exciting. I think of other writers I have spoken to, published authors, who say it never gets any easier. I derive some consolation from that, knowing there are dozens of you out there experiencing the same agony as me. Searching for the right word. Checking sentence structure. Researching facts. Dreaming great dreams of touching lives with words.

So, I will press on and hope that I see some success in 2008.

Thanks for reading my blog!


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