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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Review of Liberty's Promise by Amber Miller Stockton

This three-in-one collection captures the flavor of our American heritage. Set in the 1700's, it follows the lives of three generations of women during an era when a woman had little right to express an opinion about the political issues of the times.

The first story, Promises, Promises, takes place in 1739 and features Raelene who, left alone after her parents' tragic death, struggles to trust God again. She resents Gustav, the man her father assigned to help her, fearful that his assistance is offered out of obligation rather than love. Raelene seeks a marriage partner to satisfy the terms of her father's will. Only after she sets her pride aside does Raelene truly learn of God's plan for her life.

Next is Quills and Promises, with Raelene's daughter, Elanna, as the heroine. She is attracted to a Major during the French and Indian War. While he is away fighting, Elanna prays for his safety and awaits his letters. Her feelings for him are tested when she hears disturbing reports of possible unethical behavior on his part.

Deceptive Promises completes the collection. Elanna's daughter, Margaret, is attracted to a British soldier during America's fight for independence. The question of which side he is on is in question as the colonies rebel, and Margaret finds herself wondering whether his declaration of love is trustworthy or deceptive.

The author presents strong, goal-directed characters whose stories take the reader on a journey through some of the most dangerous and tumultuous times in American history. The presentation of historical facts adds depth and substance to theses three novels.

If you enjoy realistic American history fiction, you will love Liberty's Promise.

Thanks for reading my blog.

1 Comment:

Tiffany Amber Stockton said...

Thanks, Pat, for this great review. And thanks so much for posting it to Amazon and Christianbook. I truly appreciate it. Every little bit of promotion helps. :) Blessings, friend.

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