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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Confessions of a Fly-by-Night Blogger

Do you know how long it has been since I entered a blog post? Well, so long that.....

Blogger didn't even show up in my Internet history.

If my username and password had not been automatically filled in, I would have had to create new ones.

The temperature has increased by about forty degrees.

You get the point. It's been quite a while!

I have mixed feelings about this whole blogging thing. I have my favorite blogs that I check every so often. For some of them, I get an email alert in my inbox every time the blogger enters a post. Some of them are like clockwork - every single day. I admire those people more than I can say. Unlike me, they are obviously planners who have posts prepared long before they ever enter cyberspace.

Others have not posted since long before my last posting date. I wonder if those people are like me, so buried in priorities that they just don't have anything to say. Or, perhaps, they have nothing to write and will post again when they find something in their lives worth sharing.

Once again, I will try to resume posting to my long-neglected blog. My readers are patient with me! On the other hand, maybe that's why I have so few?

Back in a day or so...or a few days...or next week...or - well, let's just say I'll be back just as soon as I can get here!

Thanks for reading my blog.

1 Comment:

BK said...

LOL! Funny I should check here today. I'd been checking in periodically and seeing no updates, so I was thinking "I need to check just every week or two" so today, I hopped on, and here you were!

I find it hard to be consistent. "Most" of the time, I update once every week or two weeks. But I have occasionally gone a month.

The disadvantage to infrequency is that we do tend to quit visiting. By the same token, sometimes its just hard to come up with content.

And I suck at marketing. Have no idea how to increase blog traffic, and it gives me a headache even thinking about it.

And sometimes? Well sometimes life just gets in the way. 8-)

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