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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Is God Mad?

These past few weeks in Colorado have been tough. In the latter part of June, what started out as smoke observed in the Waldo Canyon area west of Colorado Springs evolved over the ensuing days into the most expensive fire in state history. Close to 350 homes were lost and over 18,000 acres burned.

Yesterday morning, the nation awakened to the shocking report that 12 lives were lost and some 50+ others were victims of a random shooting at a movie theater in the Colorado city of Aurora. Within hours, the tragic news made headlines around the world.

It makes a person wonder if God is on a vendetta against our state and its residents. Is he mad at us? Have those who fell victim to either of these tragedies done something to incur His wrath?

To assume so would be highly presumptuous. I don't believe for a moment that God singled out those victims because he was "mad." If he's taking revenge on sinners with these tragedies, I probably should have been one of the victims. I'm ashamed to admit my list of sins stays pretty lengthy.

The cause of the Waldo Canyon fire remains under investigation. God could have easily whispered a word of warning into the ear of the person or persons who committed whatever act to ignite the fire. 

He could have jerked the weapons out of the hand of the gunman who spread panic, destruction, and death throughout a packed movie theater shortly after midnight on Saturday morning.

Yet, God doesn't work that way. I don't believe He targets individuals for tragedy, either, whether He is angry with our behavior or not. He gave us the laws, but He also gave us the freedom to choose to follow or disobey them.

I have no doubt He is angry with man's flagrant disregard for His laws. Yet, sometimes I wonder if that anger isn't more heartbreak, the heartbreak a parent feels when a child makes a decision the parent knows is detrimental to the child leading a productive and fulfilling life. 

I believe God is mad. He's mad, enraged in fact, at His eternal enemy, Satan. Just as a mom or dad would be enraged at someone who leads their child into addiction or abuse, God abhors the evil one who leads His children down a path to destruction. 

He hurts when we hurt. 

His heart breaks when ours breaks. 

The difference is that He has the power to take away the hurt and the heartbreak.

We can rest assured that no matter what losses we suffer, He will do just that.

Have you suffered loss in your life due to tragedy? What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading my blog!


Darlene Franklin said...

Oh, Pat, so, so true! And thinking about the heartbreak of a parent . . . I am watching my son's heart (and mind and patience) break with my transition to nursing care. . .the peace that God has given me is eluding my son so far. I wish I could help. But ultimately, it's his journey, and what is happening to me is part of what will grow him. Does that make sense?

And you know of some of my tragic losses, especially Jolene's suicide.

One of Jolene;s favorite songs, Held, by Natalie Grant, puts the feeling into heartaching melody:

This is what it means to be held
How it feels, when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive
This is what it is to be loved and to know
That the promise was that when everything fell
We'd be held

Patti Shene, Executive Editor, Starsongs Magazine said...

Darlene, you have been through so much in your lifetime and been so faithful to God every step of the way!

My mom had to transition to assisted living last summer, so I understand what you and your son are going through.

Blessings my friend! Thanks so much for your comment.

Brooksie said...

I agree that God is heartbroken. As for tragedies, I watched my Aunt by marriage die at a young age from Breast Cancer. Then her son died in his twenties from cancer, leaving a small child. They left a Godly legacy with thier lives.

Patti Shene, Executive Editor, Starsongs Magazine said...

Thank you for your comment, Brooksie! I know it is so hard for us to see the grand plan from the underside, but we need to hold on to the faith that God is always in control!

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