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Friday, January 29, 2010

A Gentle Nudge

We got snow yesterday! Today, the sun came out, so we now have a muddy mess. This morning, though, it was fun to stand on the porch and look across the fields of pure white snow.

Ever notice how God has a way of nudging you to stick to your commitments? Last week, I made a commitment to return to the exercise group that is held at our nursing service every weekday. I started last Tuesday, thinking they had not met on Monday since it was a national holiday, Martin Luther King Day. Turned out they did meet, but I thought I did pretty good by making it for three days the first week. Can’t remember now why I skipped Friday.

This week, I was faithful about going every day, but decided last night that four days was plenty, so I was going to take off this morning. Our exercise group meets at 8:00, so I have to be up by 7:30. I decided last night that I’d let myself sleep in until 8:15, which would give me enough time to get to the class I was to attend at the church at 9:00.

The phone rang at 7:35. It was one of the other class members calling to tell me the church class had been canceled. Now that I was awake, I had a choice to make. Go back to bed and sleep as long as I wanted or go to exercise. Man, those blankets looked good, especially since I could tell it was cold outside. Did I really want to tramp through the snow to get to my pick up in the garage? What if the roads were icy and I was late getting there anyway? What if I showed up and no one else was even there because of the weather?

Still, a quiet voice whispered at my conscience, telling me to quit making excuses. So, I did clop through the snow in my old snow boots to the garage, maneuvered my vehicle through the snow and kicked it into four wheel drive when I saw the road where I live had not even been plowed. I was glad I did because several of the “regulars” were there. I want to become a “regular” again!

Every time we jump a hurdle that stands between us and our goal, the stronger our determination to succeed. When we allow a simple bump in the road to halt us, we take a step backward in our journey. Sometimes the road seems so long, but each step we take brings us a little closer to our goal.

My goal in this area of my life is to get my body back in shape. I want to lose weight, gain muscle strength, and form the habit of participating in a work out that will keep my heart healthy. Even these past two weeks have helped me feel better. I keep focused on how I will feel in two months, six, a year, if I only stick with it.

Suppose God knows what’s best for me and that’s why that small, still voice nudged me out of bed this morning? I’d be willing to bet He does.

Thanks for reading my blog!

1 Comment:

cubedh said...

Im glad to hear you made it out and about in the snow safely. I got stuck in la junta for a night, but I came back yesterday morning and the roads were still pretty crummy :) I was really looking forward to seein you on friday morning, oh well...lol God had other plans I guess :) See ya sunday!


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