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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Good-bye to a Friend

Hi and welcome back. The wind has been crazy here the past several days. Maybe best if we sit inside today. The dust will get in your eyes!

A few months ago, I promised a friend I would send her a copy of my manuscript as soon as it was finished. Since it is a western, I thought she would be a great person to preview the story before I sent it out to an agent or publisher.

Today, I received a phone call telling me my friend had passed away. My heart is heavy with sadness and regret. Barb was one of the sweetest people I ever had the pleasure to know, not to mention the most avid fan of Gunsmoke there was.

I met Barb when I went to Los Angeles in 2001 to attend Jim Arness’ book signing at the Autry Museum of Western Heritage. Barb, known as “Brooklyn” because she made her home in Brooklyn, New York, and her unmistakable accent broadcast it to everyone, was probably the most excited of all of us. She had been sending Jim fan letters and special items, some of them hand-made, for years. I remember her telling us “I hound the man constantly!”

Brooklyn developed cancer a few years back, and when Jim Arness heard about it, he called her personally to wish her well with her treatments. She was so thrilled that she called all of her Gunsmoke buds to tell us about that phone call.

The second time Brooklyn had a bout with cancer, she asked us to send her a hat or cap that she could wear during her treatments. That way, she would be reminded of her Gunsmoke buds. I sent her one of my 1980 Winter Olympic caps, very fitting since the Olympics were held in Lake Placid, New York that year.

Brooklyn sent me cards and notes about three or four times a year, on my birthday, Easter, Christmas, and they always had a Gunsmoke or western picture on the front. I treasure the photos she sent me of her Gunsmoke room, which contained hundreds of items of Gunsmoke and James Arness memorabilia.

I will miss Brooklyn so much. Every time I sit down to watch Gunsmoke, I will remember her. And, yes, I will finish that novel. I’m writing it for all those out there who are just like Brooklyn, who love westerns!

Jim Arness celebrated his 85th birthday on May 26th. Go to www.bkjackson.blogspot.com. Arizona Inspirations has a great tribute to him and Gunsmoke.


JJ said...

I'm sorry about the loss of your friend - prayers for her family.

Unknown said...

Pat, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Finishing that manuscript will be an excellent way to honor that friendship.

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